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Version: v1.25.x LTS

Starting, stopping, and monitoring

Starting, stopping, and monitoring

After Zowe's containers are installed and configured, you can refer to the following topics that help you manage your installation.

Starting Zowe containers#

The Kubernetes cluster will automatically start as many containers as needed per service according to the Deployment configuration.

To apply the deployment files, run the command:

kubectl apply -f workloads/

The containers will start soon after applying the deployments.

To verify:

  1. kubectl get deployments --namespace zowe

    This command must show you a list of deployments including explorer-jes, gateway-service, app-server, etc. Each deployment should show 1/1 in READY column. It could take a moment before all deployments say 1/1.

  2. kubectl get statefulsets --namespace zowe

    This command must show you a StatefulSet discovery which READY column should be 1/1.

  3. kubectl get cronjobs --namespace zowe

    This command must show you a CronJob cleanup-static-definitions which SUSPEND should be False.

Monitoring Zowe containers#

You can monitor Zowe containers using a UI or CLI.

Monitoring Zowe containers via UI#

Kubernetes provides a container that allows you to manage your cluster through a web browser. When using Docker Desktop, it is already installed in the namespace kubernetes-dashboard. See the Kubernetes website for install instructions.

Metrics Server is also recommended and is required if you want to define Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. Check if you have metrics-server Service in kube-system namespace with this command kubectl get services --namespace kube-system. If you don't have, you can follow this Installation instruction to install it.

Monitoring Zowe containers via CLI#

kubectl allows you to see the status of any kind of object with the get command. This applies to the table in the configuring section but also for the pods that run the Zowe containers.

Here are a few commands you can use to monitor your environment:

  • kubectl get pods -n zowe lists the status of the components of Zowe.
  • kubectl describe pods -n zowe <podid> can see more details about each pod.
  • kubectl logs -n zowe <podid> will show you the terminal output of a particular pod, with -f allowing you to keep the logs open as new messages are added.
  • kubectl get nodes -n zowe -owide will tell you more about the environment you're running.

Stopping, pausing, or removing Zowe containers#

To temporarily stop a component, locate the Deployment component and scale down to 0. For example, if you want to stop the jobs-api container, run this command:

kubectl scale -n zowe deployment jobs-api --replicas=0

You can later re-enable a component by scaling the component back to 1 or more.

If you want to permanently remove a component, you can delete the component Deployment. To use jobs-api as example, run this command:

kubectl delete -n zowe deployment jobs-api